Personal Training is Dead... again
Looks like the personal training is dead in the water. We've been replaced with videos of home-based bodyweight workouts on youtube. Can't say I'm surprised as the majority of personal trainers are little more than rent-a-friends with the ability to count to 10. If this is you, good riddance, you aren't going to make it through this hiatus because you've provided very little value to your clients and did nothing to advance the public's perception of what a trainer should be.
To be honest, I don't even like being identified as a personal trainer as it's tinged with mediocrity. Yet, I love what I do. I think anyone who has worked with me will agree that I do all that I can to become better at my craft, in order to deliver the best results possible.
My problem is that if the best thing we can offer our clients right now, in their pursuit toward optimizing health, is a bodyweight workout we have definitely lost our way. Or, perhaps it's just me. Maybe I need to change directions. Maybe I've outgrown the framework of the current industry.
There is no downtime in the process of accumulating health. Why do gym closures so strongly affect the majority from continuing to provide value to their clients lives? Because as an industry, we have literally fit ourselves into a BOX. We haven't established ourselves as being able to provide more than a workout routine and nutrition advice, most of it cookie-cutter. This is the time to work with someone knowledgeable enough to help you with more than just how to squat, count calories, or push supplements. Yes, they are all helpful within a gym setting, but where does that leave us now? Plenty of our client continue to have issues that impact sleep, cause rampant inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, hypertension, gastrointestinal distress, hyperglycemia, adrenal dysregulation, etc. during this quarantine. And GUESS WHAT, the worst affected are those with the aforementioned issues! This would be the time to work on those issues, but we're not because the majority of us don't know how. And don't give me any bullshit about how "you're not a doctor" because the healthcare industry is worse.
At the end of the day, if you aren't fully invested in what you preach and have no desire to tirelessly learn more, please get the fuck out because I have work to do and you're only making me look bad