fish oil

Take Your Vitamins!

“Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until depleted soils from which our food comes are brought into proper mineral balance? The alarming fact is that foods (fruits, vegetables and grains) now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals are starving us — no matter how much of them we eat. The truth is that our food vary enormously in value, and some of them aren’t worth eating as food… Laboratory tests prove that the fruits, the vegetables, the grains, the eggs, and even the milk and the meats of today are not what they were a few generations ago.”
— 74th Congress, 2nd session (senate document no. 264) 1936

It has long been thought we can eat a balanced diet and remain healthy, yet, increasing rates of illness and disease have proven otherwise. The Department of Agriculture has estimated that 99% of Americans have some type of nutrient deficiency. This becomes important when we understand that our body’s require adequate nutrition to simply stay alive and significantly more nutrients if we wish to optimize our health and lifespan in this increasingly stressful and polluted world.

Why has this happened? Very simply, the food we eat — fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. — is being grown in soil which has become depleted in minerals from modern agricultural practices. In turn, our soil has become so impoverished that it has negatively effected the nutrient yield of the foods we consume. Research from the Life Extension Foundation in 2001 showed the vitamin and mineral content of several foods has dropped dramatically between 1963 and 2000. For example: Collard greens were shown to have a 62% loss of vitamin C, 41% loss of vitamin A, 29% loss of calcium, 52% loss of potassium and an 84% loss in magnesium! Furthermore, in 2004 the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found similarly significant declines in the vitamin and mineral content of over 43 crops grown in US markets.

Adding proof to the claims of nutrient insufficiency through dietary intake, lets take a look at a 2002 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The authors examined  several nutrients including vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, Folic Acid and Carotenoids to which they concluded that the current US diet, while sufficient to prevent acute vitamin deficiency diseases, such as scurvy and pellagra, is inadequate to support long-term health. Continuing the theme, in a 2006 study from the journal Advances in Therapy it was stated: “Only supplementation was able to significantly boost nutrient levels and confer beneficial effects on general welfare, physical performance, and resistance to infections. Therefore, it appears that nutritional supplements are advisable for everyone.

How can we optimize our nutrient intake? Along with eating as fresh, local and wild as possible, the incorporation of a high-quality, nutraceutical grade supplementation program is warranted. It is essential to find a supplement company which guarantees both potency and purity of their products, can provide proof of their effectiveness in human trials, with all  ingredients are Generally Recognized As Safe. A good place to start is with The Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle MacWilliam. This provides a comprehensive review of over 1,300 products in the United States and Canada.

What should I take? The following is a list of fundamental recommendations to get you started:

Most people do not meet their vitamin and mineral needs through diet alone, and as we have learned above, it would be hard to get all the nutrients we need from food alone. Supplementing with a MultiVitamin is essential to optimize health and performance, however most multivitamins you find in retail stores contain inefficacious, synthetic forms of vitamins and mineral that aren’t readily absorbed (or even usable) for your body. Therefore, it is imperative to find quality brands like NutriDyn or ATP.

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Fruits & Greens Powder
A 2014 meta-analysis of 16 studies found that “higher consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality, particularly cardiovascular mortality.”* However, less than 10% of Americans consume sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables per day. The NutriDyn Fruits & Greens provides 20+ servings of fruits and vegetables in a single scoop and tastes great.

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Magnesium is the second most abundant mineral inside human cells, or at least it should be. It is essential for over 700 enzymatic reactions in the body, such as normal nerve and muscle function, supporting the immune system, keeping a steady heart beat, helps bones remain strong and it is also needed to regulate blood glucose levels. According to Carolyn Dean, author of The Magnesium Miracle, as much as 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient. This is largely due to unsustainable farming practices and the use of Roundup which binds magnesium, removing 50% of what little is left in the soil.

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EPA/DHA Fish Oil (Omega-3)
The majority of animal protein — beef, poultry, pork — in America is fed an unnatural diet of grains containing soy/corn. The downstream effect of this is inferior quality meat that is higher in inflammatory Omega-6’s and lower in Omega-3’s. On top of this, the Standard American Diet  consists of highly processed foods, also high in these same inflammatory oils. Historically, it has been estimated that humans evolved eating a diet close to equal in Omega-6 and 3 fatty acids**. However, the current ratio in the Western diet is closer to a 15:1 to 30:1 ratio. This is cause for a host of inflammatory diseases. Improving your Omega-3 ratio can improve insulin sensitivity, lower triglycerides, mitigate the effects of stress, and has the ability to turn on lipolytic genes (fat burning genes). Additionally, out of 14 omega-3 trials, which followed patients for an average of 2 years, the overall reduction in mortality was almost twice as good as statins, 25%. This is significant for at least 2 reasons: 1) that is a huge difference, and 2) the studies only lasted 2 years on average, meaning that the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids are fast-onset and robust. In other words, statins take ~50% longer and are only ~50% as good as omega-3 fatty acids.




** Simopoulos AP. Omega-3 fatty acids in health and disease and in growth and development. Am J Clin Nutr. 1991 Sep; 54(3):438–63.)

The Promise of (Omega-3) DHA

From heart disease to joint pain, the conditions shown to benefit from increased omega-3 fatty acid intake are diverse. The cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory benefits of omega-3s are well established in scientific literature. The heavy skewing of polyunsaturated fats toward omega-6 in relation to omega-3 in the modern Western diet is a contributing factor that exacerbates many chronic conditions regularly seen in clinical practice. With docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) serving as a structural component of cell membranes—particularly in the brain—and also recognized as a precursor to inflammation-resolving molecules, sufficient intake of DHA via marine foods or supplements can have far-ranging effects. Obvious and well-documented benefits from DHA are conditions involving inflammation, chronic pain, and ocular health. However, recent research is bringing to light new potential for this fatty acid.

A promising study in rats demonstrated that DHA may minimize neuronal damage due to traumatic brain injury (TBI). Researchers gave test animals DHA doses equivalent to 3, 12, and 40mg/kg for 30 days before inducing TBI. They observed that DHA at the highest dose resulted in positive changes to all markers of axonal and cellular injury studied. Lower doses had more selective effects on individual markers, but were still beneficial. The same researchers had also shown that omega-3 supplements can be helpful for repair following a TBI, but the former study is one of the first to suggest that DHA might actually have prophylactic effects when serum levels are replete prior to injury. Considering how devastating the physical, emotional, and financial effects of TBI can be for the military’s ‘wounded warriors’ and their families, researchers have suggested the Department of Defense prioritize research into regular supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids to establish a protective baseline for those at greatest risk for TBI. The same beneficial effects could also be expected to carry over to others at risk for head injuries, such as young athletes engaged in contact sports.

Another expanding role for DHA is in sleep quality. In a study from Oxford University, children ages 7-9 who were given a 600mg DHA supplement (from algae) for 16 weeks slept close to one hour longer than children taking a placebo. They also had fewer episodes of waking during the night, which could positively impact learning and academic performance. The authors suggest this could be because omega-3 status—especially DHA—seems to influence melatonin production and pineal gland function.   

DHA repletion has also been shown to benefit learning and behavior in children. This makes sense, given DHA’s key role in the physical structure of the brain, but in light of the newer research, perhaps it’s also the result of improved sleep quality. Although the study subjects were children, most adults are only too aware that insufficient sleep makes it difficult to focus and retain new information.  Children given 600mg DHA/day showed improvement in reading ability as measured on standardized tests, and improvement in behavior (attention, impulsivity, opposition, hyperactivity) as rated by parents.

Problems from Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency

According to a recent study at Harvard University - omega-3 fatty acid deficiency is officially one of the top 10 causes of death in America. Many deliberating health conditions such as cancer, osteoarthritis, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases can be traced from the imbalance of omega-3 and omega-6 consumption in our diets. Unhealthy or inadequate diet is often blamed and assumed to be the cause of omega-3 deficiency. Unfortunately, it's a much more complex problem than you might think.

1) Consuming adequate amounts of omega-3 through diet is difficult. Omega-3 fatty acids are primarily found in fish and shellfish. Studies have shown that if you take less than 2-3 portions of oily fish (cold-water fish) per week, having omega-3 deficiency is very likely.

2) Lifestyle and dietary factors influence the body's natural ability to produce omega-3 fatty acids. This includes drinking alcohol/coffee, smoking, stress, high saturated fat intake and diabetes.

Eating at least 2 portions of fish every week is not an easy task, let alone staying away from coffee and alcohol. To make things worse, not all fish are equally beneficial when it comes to omega-3 intake. Cold-water fish, such as mackerel, herring, salmon and tuna has the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids. It's safe to bet that most of us are omega-3 deficient. No wonder omega-3 deficiency is the sixth biggest killer of Americans and more deadly than excess trans fat intake. Below are some of the signs and symptoms which may indicate that you are suffering from fatty acid deficiency:

*Sleep problems (difficulty in falling asleep and/or waking up in the morning) *Excessive thirst and/or frequent urination *Attention disorders (poor concentration levels, ADHD) *Emotional sensitivity (depression, mood swings, unexplained anxiety) *Rough or bumpy skin *Dry, dull or brittle hair and dandruff *Soft, peeling or brittle nails

Top 6 Health Benefits Of Fish Oil

Health benefits of fish oils come from the presence of omega-3 fatty acids like Docosahexaenoic (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). There has been a lot of hype about fish oil. One, because it's a powerful dietary supplement but two, fish oil manufacturers have marketed fish oil as a remedy for virtually everything. In fact, fish oil serves a huge market and there are countless brands and manufacturers that try to outsell one another. I will talk more on this subject later but first, let's have a look at the scientifically proven benefits of fish oil.


Everyday foods like bacon, eggs, coffee and dairy products all cause inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation is present and occurs in us all the time. If we don't have this under control, things can get out of hand fast and result in serious health conditions.

Fish oil is effective in reducing inflammation in the bloodstream and tissues. According to the Cardiovascular Research Institute in Maastricht in Netherlands, "fish-oil fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties can help prevent and reverse a plethora of cardiovascular diseases." Furthermore, fish oil is found to be effective in treating gastrointestinal disorders, celiac disease and irritable bowel disease (IBD). This comes without surprise as inflammation is known to cause all of these problems (and so much more). Unlike most other supplements, even the FDA recommends and allows claims for omega-3 for heart diseases!


A study from the University of Bristol suggests that omega-3 fish oil significantly reduces the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis. It was found that omega-3-rich diets fed to guinea pigs, which naturally develop osteoarthritis, reduced the disease by 50% compared to those who ate standard diets.


Yes, there are actual scientific studies that suggest fish oil is great for cancer prevention and cancer treatment! This alone immediately qualifies fish oil as an essential part of our diet as approximately 39.6% of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetime. Studies have proven that fish oil helps to kill various cancers including colon, prostate and breast. What's more interesting is that DHA (omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil) not only kills cancer cells as a standalone treatment, but can also enhance the effects of anti-cancer drug therapies.


Fish oil is known to relieve depression disorder symptoms, anxiety, restlessness and stress. In the journal of Nutritional Neuroscience, a paper was published testing the effects of fish oil on adolescents with major depressive disorders. It was found that fish oil intake resulted in 40% decrease in major depression symptoms along with marked improvements in the nutrition content in the brain. You would be interested to know that countries where fish is frequently consumed have the lowest incidences of depression!

Eye Disorders

Fish oil is also known to improve vision and help to avoid age-related eye disorders such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Researchers from France evaluated 290 patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and discovered that their dietary fish oil and seafood consumption were significantly lower in AMD patients. Today, the National Eye Institute at the National Institute of Health in the United States is planning a nationwide study to confirm the findings above. This study will provide even stronger evidence and allow government agencies and physicians to recommend fish oil for macular degeneration.

Brain Function

Researchers have found strong correlations between fish oil supplements and cognitive functioning. One study performed in Holland followed the dietary habits of 342 men from 1990 to 1993 and assessed their rate of cognitive decline during that period. Many different dietary factors were assessed and results clearly showed that only high fish consumption seemed to prevent a decrease in cognitive function. Another study performed on rats showed that there was a clear association between fish oil and brain volume in two important areas - the cerebral cortex and hippocampus - used for memory and thinking.

What To Look For When Shopping For Fish Oil Supplements

Not all health products are made equal and this is absolutely the case for fish oil supplements too. At Transforming Adjustments, one of our mission is to hand-curate a line of high-quality health products that simply works. Today's market for health products are seriously over-saturated and many consumers make the mistake of buying products that have no real value. So what's important to look for when shopping for fish oil supplements?

Fish oil is obtained from almost all fish. They can be from freshwater, farms, ocean, deep sea and shallow sea fish. What's important is that all of these can be heavily contaminated with traces of heavy metal wastes and other toxic compounds. Fish oil must be in their purest forms. Many companies now provide ultra refined or distilled fish oil, but you still need to check if their production standards have been followed. To save your time, we've done the homework for you. Check out OmegAvail Ultra below: