Food is Information

I've been mulling over this: our food isn't just fuel, it's information. Plants absorb their surroundings — sunlight, soil, water — and encode this into their very being, down to the electrons. Eating food grown elsewhere hands our bodies mismatched information, creating a disconnect between the food's origin and our current environment, which I think can subtly disrupt our system over time.

Imagine this: each meal carries the signature of its birthplace. A tomato ripened under the Sicilian sun isn't just different in taste from one grown in a Japanese greenhouse; it's fundamentally distinct. The light it absorbed, the soil it's rooted in, the seasons it endured all imprint an environmental code into its makeup. Our bodies evolved consuming local produce — foods that reflect the same light and air we're exposed to. Our gut, equipped with sensors — nerves, microbiome, the whole setup — is tuned to interpret this code. When the food's story aligns with our surroundings, everything's in sync. But munching on a tropical mango in a snowy urban apartment? That's like playing static through our system.

This "static" is the misaligned data I'm talking about. Picture being in Minnesota during midwinter: short days, dim light. Your eyes and skin register this, signaling your body to conserve energy. Then you eat a pineapple from Costa Rica, grown under intense equatorial sun. Your gut receives signals of abundance and heat — completely out of sync with what your eyes and skin are conveying. This desynchronization is likely causing the system to glitch. It's not science fiction; it's intuitive. Nature operates in harmony: food, place, and body speaking the same language. Disrupt this, and you invite chaos.

What does this chaos manifest as? Inflammation. It's the body's way of signaling, "Something's off." Perhaps your gut struggles to process that pineapple — enzymes don't match its profile, or your microbiome overreacts. A bit of irritation sparks, a few extra free radicals emerge, and inflammation simmers. Initially, it's subtle — maybe some bloating, a dip in energy, a vague sense of unease. But it's real. One meal like this isn't catastrophic, but make it a habit — like many of us do with globally sourced grocery aisles — and it's not just a blip. It's cumulative.

Health is a marathon, and this is where it gets tricky. A single imported avocado won't derail you, but over years or decades and things begin to add up. Assuming one meal a day with a mismatched food over 20 years, you're at 7,300 meals nudging your gut off balance, fostering inflammation, altering your metabolic processes. This could account for 20-30% of extra weight, dwindling energy, the uphill battles we're all promised to face health-wise. It's not headline-grabbing — "Imported Oranges Ruin Life" — but it's a slow leak, draining vitality bite by bite.

Here's the twist: it's not just about mismatched food, it's the entire system. Nothing in health exists in isolation. If you're excelling elsewhere — getting quality sleep, ample sunshine, staying active, managing stress — this might barely register. Your gut grumbles, inflammation ticks up slightly — maybe 1-5%— but you've got the resilience to brush it off. You're a well-oiled machine; a bit of bad data doesn't cause a breakdown. But if you're already struggling — sleepless nights, confined indoors under artificial lights, high stress, sedentary lifestyle — then that same out-of-place food hits harder. It could be a 20-30% impact, or more, because your system lacks a health buffer. The gut's already compromised, baseline inflammation is high, and that foreign pineapple is like rubbing salt in the wound. Everything's interconnected. Hammer the basics, and this is a footnote; neglect them, and it's probably a player in your decline.

Where are your studies? I don't have any. I don't need a stack of studies to grasp this — it makes sense. Step outside, observe: nature thrives on coherence. A deer grazes on the grass beneath its feet, not on feed shipped from another continent. Our ancestors consumed what grew around them — berries in summer, roots in fall. Their eyes saw the same sun as the plants; their skin felt the same breeze. Now? I'm eating Columbia bananas under fluorescent lights, and my body's confused. This mismatch delivers incorrect information — the gut anticipates one thing, eyes and skin report another — and inflammation ensues. How significant is this? It varies. For the average person — with mixed habits and a global diet — I'd estimate it's 10-15% of why we're heavier, more fatigued, and less healthy than we should be. Optimize your lifestyle, and it's less; let things slide, and it's more. Either way, it's a factor.

So, yes, I believe eating local, seasonal food matters — not just for the feel-good aspect, but because our bodies are designed for it. Transporting food across the globe disrupts a rhythm we're attuned to, and we pay the price, even if it's gradual. It's not the entire picture — sleep, exercise, stress all play roles — but it's a thread I can't ignore. What about you? What do you think?

Craving in the Modern World: How Environmental Disruptions Hijack Our Biology and Drive Overeating

The conventional narrative of human eating behavior often suggests that we overeat because we are hardwired to crave calories for survival. This view implies that obesity is an inevitable byproduct of evolutionary programming, a relic from our ancestors who needed to store fat for times of scarcity. However, this explanation oversimplifies the complexities of human behavior, psychology, and the modern environment.

As Mark Schatzker argues in The End of Craving, while humans require calories to survive, our biological programming doesn’t inherently drive us to overconsume them. Instead, the environmental disruptions of the modern world manipulate our behaviors, reshape our psychology, and lead to the widespread obesity crisis. The interplay between these factors has created a perfect storm, overriding natural regulatory systems and fostering patterns of overconsumption largely disconnected from biological needs.

Human evolution prioritized efficiency over excess. Early humans lived in environments where food was scarce, and physical activity was constant. While carrying extra fat may have been advantageous during periods of famine, it also came with significant drawbacks. As Schatzker highlights, a greater body mass reduced agility, increased the risk of injury, and made individuals more vulnerable to predators. Excessive weight also hindered the ability to chase and capture prey, diminishing survival odds.

Traits that favored energy balance—efficient use of calories rather than unchecked consumption—were far more advantageous. To support this balance, humans evolved intricate systems of energy regulation, including hunger and satiety signaling, which were fine-tuned for natural food environments. These systems worked well in environments where foods were whole and minimally processed. But today, hyper-engineered food landscapes exploit these systems, disrupting the balance that evolution worked so meticulously to create.

Dana Small, a leading expert in neuropsychology and nutrition science, has shed light on how modern food environments distort our biology. Her research on "nutritive mismatch" reveals how ultra-processed foods hijack the body’s natural regulatory systems. In her groundbreaking experiments, Small demonstrated that when sweetness—a cue for incoming calories—does not align with actual caloric content, metabolic processes falter.

Small created a series of solutions with varying calorie amounts, all designed to taste equivalently sweet, mimicking the caloric content of 75 calories of sugar. Remarkably, only the solution where sweetness matched caloric content triggered the body’s expected metabolic response, efficiently burning the calories. Mismatched solutions—where sweetness falsely signaled caloric content—showed no such response. This disruption, which Small terms “nutritive mismatch,” illustrates how processed foods confuse the body, leaving it unable to metabolize calories effectively. In natural food environments, sweetness reliably indicated energy, and the body responded accordingly. Today, these mismatched cues foster cycles of overconsumption, as the body perpetually chases an equilibrium it can no longer find.

Small’s findings challenge the assumption that overeating is a natural behavior. Instead, they reveal that the modern food environment manipulates our biological systems, encouraging patterns of eating disconnected from genuine physiological needs. This disruption is compounded by the psychological dynamics of craving, a distinction Schatzker emphasizes in his work.

Hunger is a biological drive designed to meet energy needs, while craving is a psychological state driven by the brain’s reward system. Cravings are fueled by dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with anticipation and reward. In the context of food, dopamine surges in response to cues like the sight or smell of hyper-palatable options, triggering an intense desire to eat. Yet, these foods often fail to deliver the satisfaction the body expects, creating a disconnect between “wanting” and “liking.” This cycle mirrors addiction, where the relentless pursuit of reward becomes disconnected from actual satisfaction.

Repeated dopamine surges condition the brain to seek out ultra-processed foods—not because they nourish, but because they promise a fleeting reward. Over time, this psychological shift transforms eating into a pursuit of gratification rather than a response to hunger. The modern food environment, with its hyper-palatable, mismatched offerings, capitalizes on this vulnerability, driving a feedback loop of overconsumption and dissatisfaction.

The obesity crisis, then, cannot be reduced to an evolutionary imperative to overconsume calories. It is the product of environmental disruptions that exploit human biology and psychology, distorting natural regulatory systems. Small’s research on nutritive mismatch and Schatzker’s insights into craving illuminate the profound impact of these factors, offering a more nuanced understanding of why we overeat in the modern world.

The Power of Questions: Transforming Intentions into Actions for Healthier Habits

We all make commitments we fail to honor. How many times have you said, ‘I’ll stick to my diet plan this month’ or ‘I’ll cut down on sugar starting today’, only to find yourself straying from these goals? While we often intend to follow through, good intentions alone aren’t sufficient to create meaningful change. However, a well-designed question might just be the key.

After analyzing over 100 studies covering 40 years of research, a team of scientists from four US universities found that asking questions is more effective than making statements when it comes to influencing your own or someone else’s behavior.

David Sprott, a co-author of the research from Washington State University, noted: ‘If you question a person about performing a future behavior, the likelihood of that behavior happening will change.’ Questions trigger a psychological response that differs from the response to statements.

This means, for example, that a sign that says, ‘Please choose healthy food options’ is less likely to influence its viewers’ dietary choices than a sign that asks, ‘Will you choose healthy food options today?’ Telling yourself ‘I will drink more water’ is less effective in changing your behavior than asking yourself, ‘Will I drink more water today?’

Remarkably, the researchers discovered that transforming a statement into a question could influence a person’s behavior for up to six months.

The question/behavior effect is particularly potent with questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no.

The question/behavior effect is most powerful when questions are used to encourage behavior that aligns with the receiver’s personal health goals (answering yes to the question would bring them closer to their desired fitness and nutrition objectives).

Starting the question with ‘will’ implies ownership and action, making the question/behavior effect even stronger than beginning your question with words like ‘can’ or ‘could’, which suggest capability rather than action. It’s also more effective than starting your question with ‘would’, which is conditional and implies possibility rather than probability.

Why Nutrient Supplementation is Essential for Modern Diets

Our existence depends on what the earth offers. 

The foundation of human nourishment comes from plants, which supply vital macronutrients such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, all generated through the nourishment obtained from the earth. Additionally, plants give us crucial micronutrients, including vitamins produced through photosynthesis and minerals extracted from the soil, both of which are essential for maintaining healthy cellular functions.

Vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in enzymes and coenzymes (enzyme helpers), acting as biological catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions needed for cellular operations. They collaborate to either combine molecules or break them down in countless chemical reactions that occur within living cells. In essence, life would not be possible without enzymes and their vital vitamins and minerals.

Considering this, the equation is straightforward: plants cannot produce minerals; they must absorb them from the soil. Thus, without minerals, vitamins cannot function effectively. As a result, if crucial minerals are depleted from our soil, they are also diminished in our bodies.

A continuous deficiency of minerals can lead to illness. Therefore, it is not surprising that any decline in the mineral and nutrient content of our soils results in a corresponding increase in nutrition-related diseases among both animal and human populations.

The alarming fact is that foods -- fruit, vegetables and grains -- now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain needed nutrients, are starving us -- no matter how much we eat of them.

—US Senate Document 264

Surprisingly, the statement mentioned earlier was made almost 80 years ago, in 1936. Since then, the United States and other industrialized countries have been experiencing an unprecedented loss of fertile land. Today, the topsoil in the US is eroding at a rate ten times faster than it can be replenished. In regions like Africa, India, and China, soil erosion surpasses the replenishment rate by 30 to 40 times. Current projections indicate that our global topsoil reserves will last less than 50 years. As topsoil diminishes, so do essential nutrients, and consequently, our health suffers.

Data presented at the 1992 RIO Earth Summit revealed that throughout the 20th century, mineral depletion of global topsoil reserves was widespread. During this period, agricultural soils in the US and Canada lost 85% of their mineral content; Asian and South American soils saw a 76% decrease; and in Africa, Europe, and Australia, soil mineral content declined by 74%. Since then, little has been done to prevent the inevitable depletion of these invaluable mineral resources.

In March 2006, the United Nations acknowledged a new form of malnutrition: multiple micronutrient depletion. According to Catherine Bertini, Chair of the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition, those who are overweight are just as malnourished as those who are starving. Ultimately, the problem lies not in the amount of food consumed, but in its quality.

Modern Agriculture Depletes Our Soil

The topsoils of the earth form a thin layer of mineral-rich, carbon-based material. They serve as buffers and filters for water and air pollutants, store vital moisture and essential minerals and micronutrients, and act as critical reservoirs for carbon dioxide and methane. Apart from global warming, soil degradation poses a severe threat to the long-term environmental sustainability of our planet.

Soil depletion was well recognized in ancient societies, which would either relocate to new lands every few years or enrich the soil with organic waste. In more recent history, the westward migration of Europeans to the New World saw families relocating frequently as their dry-land farming practices repeatedly exhausted the soil. The first indication of nutrient depletion was not crop failure but an increase in illness and disease among both animals and humans dependent on the land. Those who did not abandon their farms or practice soil replenishment experienced inevitable declines in crop production, eventually leading to complete land collapse, as seen in the Dust Bowl of the 1930s.

Now, there is nowhere else to go. We can no longer move to greener pastures because none remain. We must work with what we have; soil erosion, contamination from industrial pollutants, and depletion of our finite mineral resources have become global issues. Yet, modern agricultural practices continue to consume water, fuel, and topsoil at alarmingly unsustainable rates, seemingly disregarding nature's imperative to return what we have taken from the earth. Instead of renewing and restoring our soils, commercial agriculture has disrupted nature's natural cycles, and the consequences will be costly.

Depleted Soils, Depleted Crops

Soil depletion due to unsustainable agricultural practices leads to an inevitable decline in the nutrient content of our crops. Historical records indicate that the average mineral content of vegetables grown in US soils has decreased significantly over the last century. A 2004 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found considerable declines in the mineral and vitamin content of 43 garden crops grown in US markets. Additionally, a 2001 report by the Life Extension Foundation revealed that the vitamin and mineral content of various foods declined dramatically between 1963 and 2000. Collard greens experienced a 62% loss of vitamin C, a 41% loss of vitamin A, and a 29% loss of calcium, while potassium and magnesium decreased by 52% and 84%, respectively. Cauliflower lost nearly half of its vitamin C, thiamine, and riboflavin, and most of the calcium in commercial pineapples had almost vanished.

The US data supports findings for vegetable crops grown between 1940 and 2002 in Great Britain, which show mineral losses ranging from 15% to 62% for common minerals and trace elements. In an earlier study, harmful changes were found in the natural ratio of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, in the foods tested. Similarly, a Canadian study found significant declines in the nutrient content of produce grown over a 50-year interval to 1999. During that time, the average Canadian potato lost 57% of its vitamin C and iron, 28% of its calcium, 50% of its riboflavin, and 18% of its niacin. The same trend was observed for all 25 fruits and vegetables analyzed. The Canadian data showed that nearly 80% of the foods tested displayed large drops in their calcium and iron content, three-quarters showed considerable decreases in vitamin A, half lost vitamin C and riboflavin, and one-third lost thiamine.

Selective breeding of new crop varieties prioritizing yield, appearance, and other commercially desirable traits has also contributed to the depletion of the nutritional value of our foods. Dr. Phil Warman of Nova Scotia's Agricultural College contends that the emphasis on appearance, storability, and yield, with little or no focus on nutritional content, has significantly exacerbated the overall nutrient depletion of our food. The USDA standards for fruits and vegetables only account for size, shape, and color, neglecting nutritional value. With such standards, it is not surprising that today, one would need to eat eight oranges to obtain the same amount of vitamin A that their grandparents got from a single orange.

Nutrient Depletion in Soils: Causes and Consequences

Soil erosion by wind and water is exacerbated by over-cultivating, over-grazing, and the destruction of natural ground cover. The loss of organic matter leads to a corresponding decline in nitrogen, minerals, and trace elements, as well as a reduction in the soil's ability to retain moisture and support healthy plant growth. High-yield crops further strain the limited nutritional capacity of our depleted soils. For instance, in 1930, an acre of land yielded about 50 bushels of corn, while by 1960, yields reached 200 bushels per acre—far exceeding the soil's capacity to sustain itself.

Erosion, combined with high-yield nutrient extraction, also depletes the soil of its alkalizing minerals (calcium, potassium, and magnesium), resulting in the loss of natural buffering capacity and an increase in soil acidity. Conversely, over-irrigation with hard (alkaline) water can cause some soils to leach essential minerals while accumulating others (such as calcium), making the soil too alkaline for crop growth.

Although nitrate, phosphate, and potassium (NPK) fertilizers, introduced in the early 1900s, substantially increase crop yield, they come at a high cost. Overuse of these chemical fertilizers has been found to accelerate the depletion of other vital macronutrients and trace elements while reducing their bioavailability to plants. NPK fertilizers gradually decrease soil pH, making soils too acidic to support beneficial bacteria and fungi. These symbiotic organisms aid plants in absorbing nutrients from the soil. Once absent, plants' micronutrient uptake is significantly impaired. Additionally, NPK application in acidic soils has been found to bind soil-based selenium, rendering it unavailable for root absorption.

Using NPK fertilizers to replenish primary growth-promoting nutrients fails to address the simultaneous losses of valuable micronutrients and trace elements (such as copper, zinc, and molybdenum) in intensively cultivated soils. According to Dr. William Albrecht of the University of Missouri, using NPK fertilizers ultimately leads to malnutrition, insect infestations, bacterial and fungal attacks, weed encroachment, and crop loss in dry weather. Albrecht argues that employing chemical fertilizers to increase yield weakens the crop, making it more vulnerable to pests and diseases. As a result, commercial farmers have no choice but to depend on a range of dangerous and harmful chemical pesticides to protect their crops and investments.

Nutrient Depletion Forces Pesticide Abuse: Consequences and Solutions

The decline of soil and crop health due to unsustainable commercial agricultural practices leads to a vicious cycle of dependence on pesticides and herbicides. The highly toxic organochlorine (OC) and organophosphorus (OP) derivatives damage our soils by killing symbiotic bacteria and fungi responsible for nutrient uptake in plants, inactivating essential enzyme systems within plant roots involved in mineral absorption, and destroying soil microorganisms needed to produce organic mineral complexes that naturally replenish the soil.

Moreover, these environmental toxins end up in our food, causing widespread human exposure to pesticides primarily through consumption. There is ongoing debate about whether low levels of exposure to these persistent environmental toxins and their residues can cause harm. Some studies have found harmful biological effects resulting from chronic environmental exposure, while others have reported harmful synergistic effects from combinations of pesticides and chemical agents at typical levels of environmental exposure.

Pesticides and herbicides have been linked to various human health effects, including immune suppression, hormone disruption, reduced intelligence, reproductive abnormalities, neurological and behavioral disorders, and cancer. They can also act as potent endocrine hormone disruptors and easily pass through the placenta to unborn infants, who are especially vulnerable to toxins that disrupt the developmental process. Children are particularly susceptible to these agents due to their higher food intake relative to body weight and their still-developing immune systems.

To protect ourselves and our children, it is crucial to choose sensible dietary alternatives to commercially grown and processed foods, which are the primary sources of pesticide and herbicide exposure. Some ways to reduce exposure include:

  1. Buying organic produce: Organic farming practices avoid the use of synthetic pesticides and herbicides, reducing the potential for toxin exposure through food consumption.

  2. Washing and peeling fruits and vegetables: Thoroughly washing and peeling produce can help remove some pesticide residues on the surface.

  3. Eating a diverse diet: Consuming a variety of foods can help minimize the risk of exposure to a single pesticide or a group of related pesticides.

  4. Supporting sustainable agriculture: Encourage and support agricultural practices that prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and environmental sustainability.

By making informed choices, we can help reduce our exposure to harmful pesticides and herbicides while promoting agricultural practices that preserve soil health and protect our environment.

Organic Agriculture Improves Nutrient Content: Benefits and Considerations

Throughout most of human history, agriculture has relied on organic growing practices. However, over the past 100 years, synthetic chemicals and their destructive consequences have been introduced to the food supply. Thankfully, more and more progressive growers are abandoning commercial growing techniques and returning to organic methods and traditional soil care.

Organic gardening utilizes natural mulching and cultivation techniques that nourish the soil rather than the plant. This approach replenishes nutrients lost through plant growth and fosters the growth of beneficial fungi, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and other advantageous microorganisms. Healthy living soil encourages the symbiosis of plants with these soil microbes, enhancing the transfer of essential nutrients into the plants. Organic agriculture, unlike conventional agriculture, respects the natural replenishing cycles of nature.

A 2003 study in Seattle, Washington, found that children aged two to four who consumed organically grown fruits and vegetables had urine levels of pesticides six times lower than those who consumed conventionally grown foods. The study's authors concluded that consuming organic fruits, vegetables, and juices could reduce children's exposure levels to below the EPA's current guidelines, thus moving exposures from a range of uncertain risk to a range of negligible risk.

A growing body of evidence supports the health-promoting effects of organically grown foods. Studies have shown that organic crops have higher levels of vitamin C, iron, natural sugars, magnesium, phosphorus, and other minerals and lower levels of harmful nitrates than conventional crops. An independent review published in the Journal of Complementary Medicine found that organically grown crops had significantly higher levels of nutrients for all 21 nutrients evaluated compared to conventionally grown produce. Organically grown spinach, lettuce, cabbage, and potatoes exhibited particularly high mineral levels.

Research by the University of California (Davis) revealed that organically grown tomatoes and peppers had higher levels of flavonoids and vitamin C than conventionally grown tomatoes. The health-promoting effects of these secondary plant metabolites, produced by plants to protect themselves from oxidative damage caused by strong sunlight, are well-established. High-intensity conventional agricultural practices seem to disrupt the production of these natural plant metabolites, resulting in reduced flavonoid content in conventional crops. In contrast, organic growing practices stimulate the plant's defense mechanisms, leading to increased production of these vital botanical nutrients. Organic crops, which are not protected by pesticides, have higher levels of flavonoids than conventional crops, including up to 50% more antioxidants. A prime example is the polyphenol content of red wine: this heart-healthy nutrient is found in much higher concentrations in wine made from organically grown grapes, which produce the nutrients to protect against a naturally occurring fungus that attacks grape skins.


In conclusion, the modern lifestyle and reliance on commercial, chemically based agriculture have led to the degradation of the nutritional value of our food supply and increased our exposure to environmental toxins. As a result, many people are not meeting their daily nutritional requirements, even if they consume the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables.

To counter these challenges and ensure a healthy diet, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Opt for organic produce whenever possible to reduce exposure to chemical pesticides and benefit from the higher nutrient content found in organically grown foods.

  2. Complement your diet with high-quality nutritional supplements to ensure you meet your daily nutritional requirements, particularly if you struggle to consume the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables.

  3. Practice mindful eating habits, including consuming a diverse and balanced diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods.

  4. Stay informed about the source of your food and support sustainable and responsible agricultural practices that prioritize the health of the environment and consumers.

By making informed choices about the food we consume and the agricultural practices we support, we can help protect our health and the environment while enjoying the benefits of a nutrient-rich diet.

Hack your Endurance with Rhodiola & Ginkgo

Rhodiola and ginkgo combination boosts endurance (no training required)

Supplementation with extracts of Ginkgo biloba and Rhodiola crenulata increases the stamina of young men. This is shown in a human study published in 2009 in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine.

The researchers, at the University of Hong Kong, divided 67 young men into 2 groups. For 7 weeks, they gave the men in one group placebo capsules and the men in the other group capsules containing extracts of Ginkgo biloba and Rhodiola crenulata in a ratio of 1: 9.

The men took 4 capsules each day, each containing 270 milligrams of extract mixture. They took 2 capsules with breakfast and 2 capsules with dinner.

The supplement increased the men's stamina. The subjects in the experimental group managed to cycle longer, and that may have been due to the increase in their bodies' ability to absorb oxygen. [VO2max]


Supplementation did not affect the test subjects' testosterone levels, but it did prevent cortisol levels from rising after exercise. That may mean that the men recovered faster.

"The present findings have provided evidence supporting the use of Rhodiola crenulata and Ginkgo biloba combined supplement for improving the endurance performance by increasing oxygen consumption and protecting against fatigue", summarize the researchers.

According to Russian animal study, extracts from both plants improve endurance, albeit in different ways. [Bull Exp Biol Med. 2003 Dec;136(6):585-7.]

Glutathione Info and Supplementation Tips

Glutathione is critical in the management of your voltage. When an electron donor gives up its electrons, the donor can become a stealer. Glutathione readily supplies the electrons to restore your electron donor to its donor status so it can help again.

Glutathione is not significantly absorbed from the gut, so taking it doesn’t help. However, it is made in every cell in the body by assembling the amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamine. Thus the key is for you to be sure to consume those amino acids.

Glutathione has multiple functions:

  1. It is the major antioxidant produced by the cells, participating directly in the neutralization of free radicals and reactive oxygen compounds, as well as maintaining exogenous antioxidants such as vitamins C and E in their reduced (electron donor) forms.

  2. It detoxifies many foreign compounds and carcinogens, both organic and inorganic.

  3. It is essential for the immune system to exert its full potential, e.g.:

    • Modulating antigen presentation to lymphocytes, thereby influencing cytokine production and type of response (cellular or humoral) that develops

    • Enhancing proliferation of lymphocytes thereby increasing magnitude of response

    • Enhancing killing activity of cytotoxic T cells and NK cells

    • Regulating apoptosis, thereby maintaining control of the immune response

  4. It plays a fundamental role in numerous metabolic and biochemical reactions such as DNA synthesis and repair, protein synthesis, prostaglandin synthesis, amino acid transport, and enzyme activation. Thus every system in the body can be affected by the state of the glutathione system, especially the immune system, the nervous system, the gastrointestinal system, and the lungs.

  5. It is necessary for converting T4 to T3 (thyroid hormones). It is also necessary to transfer electrons from the cell membrane to the mitochondria.

Supplementing has been difficult, as research suggests that glutathione taken orally is not well absorbed across the gastrointestinal tract. In a study of acute oral administration of a very large dose (3 grams) of oral glutathione, Witschi and coworkers found that “it is not possible to increase circulating glutathione to a clinically beneficial extent by the oral administration of a single dose of 3g of glutathione.”

However, plasma and liver glutathione concentrations can be raised by oral administration of S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), glutathione precursors rich in cysteine include N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and whey protein, and these supplements have been shown to increase glutathione content within the cell.

N-acetylcysteine is available both as a drug and as a generic supplement. Alpha lipoic acid has also been shown to restore intracellular glutathione. Melatonin has been shown to stimulate a related enzyme, glutathione peroxidase, and silymarin, an extract of the seeds of the milk thistle plant (Silybum marianum) has also demonstrated an ability to replenish glutathione levels.

Top 9 Food Myths

Myth #1: Eating fat will make you fat.

Truth: It’s true that fat is denser in calories than carbohydrates and proteins (more than twice the calories per gram), but obesity is not primarily due to an excess of calories consumed. It is the type of calories consumed that is important. Recent science shows that most surplus weight and obesity is caused by excess carbohydrates in the diet. Fats are a main source of energy. They are also an important source of fat-soluble vitamins and provide much of the pleasurable flavor and texture in food. Some (the omega fats) are, in fact, essential in our diet, as we can’t produce our own.

Myth #2: Saturated fats are bad for your heart.

Truth: There has never been any robust, conclusive evidence that saturated fats cause chronic disease. In fact, saturated fats are the cleanest-burning fuel you can put in your body. From a health perspective, saturated fats are not only benign, they’re beneficial.

Myth #3: Carbohydrates are essential to our bodies.

Truth: There are no essential carbohydrates. Your body evolved to make its own blood glucose from non-carbohydrate sources. When it does so, it makes the optimum amount for the present needs of the body. There are beneficial carbohydrates—soluble and insoluble fibers—but you can get plenty of these without also burdening your body with sugars and starch.

Myth #4: Gluten-free eating is the healthiest option.

Truth: If you have celiac disease or are gluten sensitive, by all means avoid gluten in your diet. Otherwise, keep in mind that most processed, gluten-free foods use substitutes like rice flour, potato starch, and tapioca flour. These and other starches rapidly raise blood glucose and insulin, aggravating diabetes and other chronic diseases. Gluten-free does not mean low-carbohydrate. In fact, it’s sometimes quite the opposite.

Myth #5: Everything in moderation.

Truth: To quote Canadian physician Dr. Jay Wortman, “Everything in moderation is an excuse we use to eat the things we shouldn’t eat.” Like the notion of a “balanced diet,” “everything in moderation” gives us license to trade off nutritious calories for empty ones. This is doubly dangerous when that junk food contains sugar, which activates the opiate receptors in our brain, stimulating our reward center. Each time we eat something sweet, we’re reinforcing those neuropathways and hardwiring our brains to crave the stuff. So, next time you catch yourself using “moderation” and “balance” as a rationale to consume foods you know are bad for you, it helps to remember that you’re not only fooling yourself, you’re compromising your health in the process.

Myth #6: To lose weight, you need to cut calories.

Truth: Cutting calories means you eat less food, and eating less food means you have less of an opportunity to meet daily nutritional requirements. If you are restricting calories to less than your daily needs, you will not only be perpetually hungry, but you will also reduce your metabolic rate, making weight loss more difficult. What’s more, once you return to your regular diet, there is a high probability that you will regain the weight you lost and are likely to put on even more.

Myth #7: Fruit is good for you because it’s natural.

Truth: Newsflash: fruit did not evolve to be a health food. Its evolutionary imperative is to spread its seeds, and the best way to do that is to get animals to eat it, move on, and deposit the seeds, some distance away, embedded in a healthy dollop of fertilizer. Sweet fruit is more attractive to animals—including humans—so job well done on the dispersal-system front. But the sweetness comes at a high cost not only in terms of high-carbohydrate starches but also fructose—a known toxin. The same goes for honey and maple syrup. Don’t be persuaded to buy and eat food simply because it’s considered natural.

Myth #8: All vegetables are created equal.

Truth: Many vegetables—especially root vegetables, beans, and grains (and, yes, I include grains as vegetables because they are plants)—are high in starch and can contribute to obesity and insulin resistance. Choose wisely.

Myth #9: If you work out, you can eat whatever you want.

Truth: Working out does burn calories, so your food intake should increase proportionally. However, science tells us that about 80 percent of weight management is determined by what you eat, not how many calories you burn. You lose weight in the kitchen; you get fit in the gym. If you eat poorly, exercise will not help you outrun the negative health consequences.

via The Bio Diet

Research Bias: Be Careful Where You Place Your Trust

Industry funding is a major impediment to unbiased results when it comes to testing new methodologies and pharmaceutical drug interventions, as analyses have shown that industry-sponsored trials report positive outcomes significantly more often than trials financially backed by the government, nonprofits, or nonfederal organizations.1 In a publication, bias known as the “file drawer” phenomenon, negative and null trials, or results that are unfavorable to drugs are more likely to be suppressed.2 There is also widespread rigging of data—deliberate manipulation of outcomes and use of statistical sleight-of-hand—wherein the outcomes of trials are being corrupted by commercial interests.3 And then there is the issue of industry bribery of journal editors. One retrospective observational study revealed that 50.6 percent of journal editors accept payments from industry sources, with an average payment of $28,136 and some payments approaching half a million dollars, meaning that the editors of the most influential journals in the world, who steer the scientific dialogue, are effectively on the take.4 In addition, a 2007 national survey published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that 94 percent of physicians had ties to the pharmaceutical industry, with physicians receiving free meals, reimbursement for medical education or professional meetings, consulting, lecturing, and enrolling patients in clinical trials.5

  1. Florence T. Bourgeois, Srinivas Murthy, and Kenneth D. Mandl, “Outcome Reporting among Drug Trials Registered in,” Annals of Internal Medicine 153, no. 3 (2010): 158–66,

  2. Erick H. Turner et al., “Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials and Its Influence on Apparent Efficacy,” New England Journal of Medicine 358, no. 3 (2008): 252–60,

  3. John P. A. Ioannidis, “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False,” PLoS Medicine 2, no. 8 (2005): e124,; and Alex Hern and Pamela Duncan, “Predatory Publishers: The Journals That Churn Out Fake Science,” The Guardian, August 10, 2018,

  4. Jessica J. Liu et al., “Payments by US Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Manufacturers to US Medical Journal Editors: Retrospective Observational Study,” BMJ 359 (October 26, 2017): j4619,

  5. Eric G. Campbell et al., “A National Survey of Physician-Industry Relationships,” New England Journal of Medicine 356, no. 17 (2007):1742–50,